Quality Policy

EMC is committed to providing Civil, Electro-Mechanical Construction and Services as per Customer requirements in a consistent, reliable, efficient, and timely manner. These shall be achieved by:

  •  Ensuring that quality objectives are established, reviewed, maintained, and communicated at all levels of the organization, with the aim of continual improvements in our processes in order to enhance customer satisfaction, and the processes operate efficiently and effectively.
  •  Achieving compliance with the requirements of the quality management system as well as applicable legal and statutory requirements by continually reviewing and improving its effectiveness so that all customer and relevant stakeholder requirements are met.
  • To understand and satisfy our customer requirements through communication and skills to achieve the ultimate aim of zero defects.
  • Ensuring that all our personnel understand and fully implement our Company’s policies and objectives and are able to perform their duties effectively through ongoing training and development programmed.

Excellence Mastery  Co.

Builders you can trust